Quarter 4, Week 5 - Making Prediction

We spoke about making predictions this week. This week, we'll learn about the different things to consider when generating our own accurate prediction. But before we begin, we must first look up the definition and pronunciation for our spelling quiz. We also discuss the definition of prediction. What exactly is forecasting? It's a prediction as to what will happen next in the text or content.
Prediction has its own basis; sometimes it is based on events that have already occurred, or it is based on what you already know, and it is not outlandish or unusual. We also learn how we makes our prediction, and how to prove that there is a possibility that the prediction you made will occur.
Our Anglo- American Literature Icon for this week is Shirley Jackson. Shirley jackson was an American writer that is know for her works of horror and mystery. Some of her notable works are "Life Among The Savages", "The Lottery", "The Hauting of Hill House:, "We Have Always Lived in the Castle", etc. She died at the age of 48 years old. Shirley Jackson's full name is Shirley Hardie Jackson. This week Figure of speech in focus is Antimetabole. Antimetabole is a literary device which means "turning about". Antimetabole is a literary term or device that involves repeating a phrase in reverse order, example of it is; You like it, It likes you. Performance Task:


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