Quarter 4, Week 4 - Tense Consistency

We talked about tense consistency this week. This week, our teacher tried a new method of learning spelling that also improves our vocabulary. Our new activity is to identify and understand the words that our teacher has given us; you will see the words and their meanings later. In week 4, we'll be focusing on our Figure of Speech, Assonance. What exactly is assonance? It's a literary device that looks like the repetition of similar vowel sounds.
Stephen King is this week's Anglo-American Literature Icon. Stephen King is a horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novelist from the United States. "Finders Keepers," "IT," "Doctor Sleep," and other pieces are among his most well-known. "The King of Horror" is another title for him. His full name is Stephen Edwin King.
This week feels like we're just going over the content again because some of it has previously been discussed. We talked about verb tenses such present tense, past tense, and future tense. We also talked about the different types of verbs: Simple, which refers to a single action, Progressive, also known as "Continuos," which is used to talk about unfinished events, Perfect, which expresses the idea that one event occurs before another, and Perfect Progressive, which expresses duration.
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