Quarter 4, Week 1 - Analytical Listening

This week, we discussed Analytical Listening and its different types. This week we defined the meaning of Analytical listening in just a simple yet understandable meaning that makes our discussion easier to understand and learn. We define the four different types of analytical Listening; Appreciative Listening, Emphatic Listening, Comprehensive/ Active Listening, and Critical/Analytical Listening. Appreciative listening listens for pleasure and enjoyment, like when listening to music, to an entertaining speech, etc. We listen to Emphatic listening to provide emotional support for the speaker, like a psychiatrist listens to a patient, or lending an ear to a friend.
Comprehensive or Active listening is used to understand the message of a speaker, like when attending a classroom lecture. Lastly, Critical or analytical listening is used to evaluate a message for purpose of accepting or rejecting it, just like the campaign speech of a political candidate, and focuses on evaluating whether a message is logical and reasonable. This week we also have our every-week hobby the spelling quiz. We also watch a video showing the five characteristics of an open-minded person like willing to challenge their ideas, being mindful, Curious, etc. On our spelling quiz, we also learn their meaning and their correct spelling like a playwright, emigrant, decease, etc. At the end of our discussion, we had some exercises to test what we learn. For me, this lesson and the practices are very understandable and answerable.
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